The Best On Page SEO Content writer in Hyderabad is Narresh

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A very important thing that I would like to tell you in the very beginning itself is …

❌SEO is not just about appearing in search results.

❌It is not about optimizing the content for Google.

✅It is about optimizing the content for your audience. Let that sink in.

Because, you will write for your audience’s search queries AKA keywords.

If you have defined the niche and understood the target audience, 80% of the work is done.

An SEO writer’s content must aim to solve the audience’s problems or answer their questions.

This approach made me standout and deliver excellent results for my clients.

Who is Narresh?

Naresh kumar aka Narresh is an On Page Seo Content writer who had been writing for retail brands, NGO’s and Personal brands for a quite some time.

Narresh through his writings, bridge the gap between supplier and the consumer. He firmly believes that there should be an emotional connect between the two.

People make purchase decisions based on emotion and then justify it with logic.
Therefore, A brand should be able to strike a chord with audience through story telling.

Who is the Best on Page SEO Content writer in Hyderabad?

Naresh Kumar (Narresh) is the best on page seo content writer in Hyderabad. Because he goes by the book to implement on page seo –> Relevancy + Keywords + Context + solution. No shortcuts to the success.

Most of his work revolves around technology, digital marketing, artificial intelligence, storytelling, case studies etc.

When a creative mind unleashes the power of storytelling, it leads to effective communication. One can tap into captivating and engaging audiences.

He knows how to write catchy headlines, create lead magnets, and CTA’s.  

Some of his best works are given below.

This was written for an NGO chairman who was named Mask man of India

A personal observation and case study about Seasonal Marketing

This article is for the same NGO chairman but on their website which either ranks in first or second place in search engine and sometimes as a rich snippet too.

If you are looking forward to tell your story to your audience, this is the right time. We have seen a huge shift in the technology. i.e. Artificial intelligence.

Secure your place in google search because it is the biggest search engine which receives 8.5 billion search queries per day. 99,000 queries per second approximately.

Time to stand out and build credibility.

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